Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

In the latter part of the 19th century, Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt
wrote The Principles of Light and Color. His work, the first major
contribution in modern times, told of the many values in color
healing nearly a century ago.
In the early part of the 20th century, Colonel Dinshah Pshadi
Ghadali developed color healing to an exceptionally high degree.

In spite of the extensive development and successful use of
color in healing, the orthodox medical authorities have consistently
denied its worth and persecuted those who chose to use and spread
the available knowledge about it. The rapid spread of color therapy
around the world continues, however, in spite of all attempts to stop
it. The truth will not be denied.
The writings of Edgar Cayce provide additional evidence that color
has many healing qualities.

Without further enumerating authors and titles, we may point
out that some two dozen significant works on color therapy, within
the current century, abundantly demonstrate that there is far more to
color than just something pretty to look at.

The many writings, results, and conclusions are so impressive
as to warrant an all-out effort of further research into this highly
effective system of healing. Indeed, extensive research and
experience over many years with actual cases of every variety has
already advanced color therapy to a high peak of efficiency and
simplicity. All during the time of its development results have
constantly proven that color is superior in every way to any form of
medication, shots, chemotherapy, or surgery — and with absolutely
no adverse side effects.

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