The spleen produces Vitamin D. As the blood passes through the
spleen to the heart, a final cleansing takes place to remove any
harmful poison or bad cells.
Reduces excitement and extreme irritations.
Depresses the action of the lymphatic glands for lowered nutrition
such as in overweight.
Depresses the appetite.
Is a cardiac depressant, relaxing and soothing to the muscles and
nerves controlling the heart.
Gives relief from dysentary and diarrhea.
Gives a wonderful deep sleep similar to the Indigo.
Purple slows the heart beat and relieves pain and pressure in the
heart. Depresses action in the arteries. Stimulates the action in veins.
Lowers the blood pressure; relieves pain of headaches and pains
from excess pressure.
Depresses overactive kidneys and adrenal glands. Is a hypnotic —
produces relaxed deep sleep with no hangover. Excellent for calming
and putting children to sleep. Reduces sex desire. Depresses over-
emotional conditions. Is an excellent color for deep meditation.
Decreases excessive discharges and menstrual pains. Purple may be
interchanged from time to time with turquoise for many types of
fevers (such as malaria and rheumatic fevers).
Scarlet speeds up the heart beat; it strengthens and builds. Stimulates
action in the arteries. Depresses the veins.
Raises the blood pressure for more alertness. Stimulates sluggish
kidneys and adrenal glands. Increases and stimulates the emotions.
Scarlet may be interchanged wherever lemon is indicated. Especially