color, normal health returned. She became young, vibrant, and very
active with no limitations.
Another Modern Miracle
Mr. K. brought his blind wife in one day — her condition also
dreaded "M.S.". She had been blind for several years.
The very first reflex massage with color brought about a miracle. As
the massage progressed I told her she was going to be able to see
normally. Her husband said, "We don't expect that." I replied, "We
will see". In minutes she exclaimed, "I can see your eyes — they are
blue. Oh! I can see everything." She returned a number of times for
further treatments. All conditions became normal within two months.
Joe's Exciting Story
Joe, an American Indian, came in one day to see if he could get
help. He had been a diabetic for thirty years, was almost totally blind
— a very serious terminal case. He was expected to die any day. He
hadn't been able to work for ten years.
Joe was using 60 units of insulin. The morning I met him he
had not taken the dosage yet. He started with the lemonade, color
therapy and reflex massage immediately. No further insulin was
needed from the beginning. At no time during the treatments was
there any show of sugar in the urine or surplus in the blood.
Gradually his eyes returned to normal and in three months he was
living a normal life with a steady well-paying job. His limitations no
longer existed. There were no dangerous side effects at any time.
The Real Enemy
Medicine uses germs and viruses as the enemy that must be
destroyed-killed-in order for one to get well while ignoring the true
facts that the real enemy is toxins-pollution-within the body and