Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

prescriptions for problems such as dangerous drug interactions or
outdated medications.

Elderly people are urged to throw all the drugs from their
medicine cabinet into a brown paper bag and have them examined
by a pharmacist participating in various screening programs being
held at different times. For more information, call the association at

The use of sedatives and mind-altering medications by elderly
people in their own homes also is a growing problem. Borgan said
senior citizens in this country also take 40 percent of all prescribed
antipsychotic or tranquilizing medications such as Valium, Haldol
and Mellaril.
Borgan said such medications often help a person survive the loss of
a spouse or friends but that they must be used with caution.

That generation has that magic pill formula. They 're ready to
take medications, too eager to take them," said Morgan. "Part of the
problem is that they're kind on innocent in some cases. They're being

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