Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

of Mind, and EST have been heavily promoted. The apparent
achievements of these mind development techniques make us further
realize that there are still limitations to overcome. Even though down
through the centuries psychic and spiritual healing have always
existed, there have also been limitations to their practice.

These limitations exist in all separate fields because of the
understanding that man is all of these things — body-mind-spirit not
merely one or another part. When you can bring all of these systems
together in a simplified form, combining all of the natural laws
pertaining to every phase of being, suddenly limitations disappear.
Limitations that continue to exist do so because of the limited
understanding of the person or persons involved and not because of
the laws involve we gradually erase these mis-understandings from
these person; their limitations decrease and disappear. As we put
these complete into action to bring about healing, all forms of errors
and mistakes side effects disappear and only positive results occur.
And only they work, and work without error, may they be called
true and right.

As a complete understanding of this healing principal is
universally accepted then all phases of disease with its suffering,
aches and pains and maladjustments will no longer exist. As man
understands and works with all the laws of health and their creative
forces, then he no longer has to study and learn the many
complications and forms of diseases. The forms of disease are
different, as the leaves on the tree are all different, yet are all leaves.
We don't have to know the intricate laws involved, nor do we need
to know all the intricate laws in the various principles of healing and
perfect health. We only need to know how to put these into action
and our Creator will do the rest.

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