to never use citrus, and this was nothing but lemonade.
Since orthodox methods had failed completely to heal his ulcer,
I reasoned that their advice could be wrong. And since the lemonade
diet was contrary to the accepted practices, which had failed, logic
told me that it might do the healing.I knew it could do no harm and
was confident only good could come from it.
I explained to Bob that if all of this expert advice was correct,
his ulcer would have been healed three years ago! It was just
possible that the very thing he was told not to use might be the one
thing he needed. He thought it over and decided, "All right, I'll try
it... even if it kills me!" He was assured that this would not happen.
After five days of the diet Bob called me. Even though he had
no pain from the beginning, he was afraid that suddenly all the old
pain would return and he would be miserable again. Formerly he had
to eat something every two hours or he would be in pain, and the
previous day he had gone eight hours without food or drink — with
no pain, yet he was still apprehensive. I assured him that since he
had no pain for five days, he would be all right and to continue for
the full ten days.
On the eleventh day he was examined by his doctor and the
ulcer had been completely healed. Needless to say, his doctor was
most amazed because he had given Bob a complete examination,
including X-ray, prior to the diet and had recommended an
immediate operation because he would not have long to live
Many more cases of ulcers followed with the same consistent
results in only ten days with no failures. But something else