Healing for the Age of Enlightenment

(vip2019) #1

this category. These conditions are, again, Nature's effort to
eliminate poisons quickly from the body.

All types of infections are the result of these vast accumulations
of poisons being dissolved and burned or oxidized to produce further
cleansing of the body. Therefore, rapid elimination of the toxins
relieves the need for infectious fevers of all kinds. Infections are not
"caught," they are created by Nature to assist in burning our surplus

Yes, the lemonade diet is a reducing diet, but much more. Just
as many other disorders also cleared up at the same time when it was
used to heal ulcers, when it is used as a reducing diet other ailments
are also corrected in the process.

People build strong, healthy bodies from the correct foods or
they build diseased bodies from incorrect foods. When disease does
become necessary, the lemonade diet will prove its superior
cleansing and building ability.
Blend a part of the lemon skin and pulp with the lemonade in a
blender for further cleansing and laxative effect. (Note:
commercially procured lemons may have had their skins dyed with
yellow coloring and may have been subjected to poisonous insect
sprays — be sure to peel off the outer skin if you cannot get
uncolored, organically grown lemons.) The properties in the lemon
skin also act as a hemostatic to prevent excess bleeding and to
prevent clotting internally should there be any such prevailing
condition. (Don't worry — normal conditions will continue during
the menstrual periods.)
Adding the cayenne pepper is necessary as it breaks up mucus
and increases warmth by building the blood for an additional lift. It

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