Vitamin pills and supplements do not grow on trees as such but
rather come to us in fruits, berries, vegetables and plants. Man will
never take a group of natural or synthetic foods; process and
combine them in a variety of products, and come up with anything
equal or better than the original. They have lost much of their basic
life and energy by combining them according to a man made
concept. Many dangerous side effects can occur because of improper
and unequal balances present. Stay with the natural laws of balance.
First one must decide if God is right or if man is right. If God is right
then man and his ideas of processing — tearing apart and
rearranging — are likely to be wrong.
Later, as we consume a more complete variety of foods, we find
our sources of vitamins and minerals complete and in forms that are
easily assimilated — it should not be necessary to return to these
supplements even if one is accustomed to taking them. The sources
of good food are steadily being enlarged as people become more
educated concerning them. Search these sources and rely on them for
your total nutritional needs.
The lemon is a loosening and cleansing agent with many
important building factors. The ability of the elements in the lemon
and the maple syrup working together creates these desired results.
Its 49% potassium strengthens and energizes the heart, stimulates
and builds the kidneys and adrenal glands.
Its oxygen builds vitality.
Its carbon acts as a motor stimulant.
Its hydrogen activates the sensory nervous system.
Its calcium strengthens and builds the lungs.
Its phosphorus knits the bones, stimulates and builds the brain for