national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1


could not have written this volume without the
precious support and cooperation of my family,
especially Yolanda and Guy Fleming; Johnny and
Mitzi Navarra; Tony and Jacquie Munoz; Joe and
Rose Treihart, R.N., M.S.; and Dorothy Fox, R.N.,
Ed.D.; Dr. Andrea Campbell; Sarita (“Bunny”)
Schuler, M.S.W.; Dr. Donald Gill; Dr. Arlene
Thoma; and all the physicians, nurses, and other
health care givers who share their knowledge and
experience through books, interviews, and articles;
the Facts On File, Inc., editor James Chambers; Dr.
Adam Perlman, who so graciously wrote the Fore-
word; Frederic C. Pachman, Academy of Health
Information Professionals, (AHIP), director of
Monmouth Medical Center’s Medical Library, Long

Branch, New Jersey; Victor Zak; Paul Boyd; Donald
Bridge, of Savannah, Georgia; Betty Sorrentino,
Mona Wichman, Sallie and Stan Tillman, Denise
Walker, Trista Clayton, Chris and Vicki Reidemeis-
ter, and Jim and Teresa Sanford—my beloved
“Rumson gang”; Dorie Leonardi; Cynthia Schooley,
and Reba Justice, of Cumming, Georgia. I also
respectfully acknowledge my late mentors Sal
Foderaro, Clarence Holbrook Carter, and Dr.
Myron A. Lipkowitz, because every principle they
represented continues to bestow a positive effect
on me, particularly Sal’s motto:pazienza e coraggio.
Most definitely patience and courage loom large
when one applies the mind-body concept to daily
life. Thank you, all.



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