national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1

Guy Berard also developed a sound therapy, the
Berard Method, using music to improve impaired
hearing. The German physicist Ingo Steinbach cre-
ated the system called Spectral Activated Music of
Optimal Natural Structure (SAMONAS), which was
supposed to train the auditory system to process
sound normally and thus foster normal speech, lan-
guage, concentration, and general learning ability.
Another sound therapy is toning, which requires an
individual to stand with eyes closed and a relaxed
jaw and repeat certain vowel sounds in order to
release stress, balance mind and body, and improve
his or her vocal and listening skills.
According to
Sound.cfm, “Healing has often been affected by
such modalities as sound, light, music therapy, and
various other energy medicine techniques that
alter the frequency patterns of an individual. All
matter, including herbs, pharmaceuticals, and even
food with its accompanying vitamins, minerals and
other nutrients could be examined from a fre-
quency perspective that may explain their biologi-
cal effects.... This is obvious if you consider that
electrons are always moving and vibrating. All
healing interventions influence the body by some-
how altering its frequency resonance. Computer
technology such as Bio-Resonance Therapy can
measure the specific frequency imbalances in much
the same way as one would measure brain wave
activity. The voice is a holographic blueprint of the
whole body. This allows sound therapy to be more
subjective since it does not depend on the skill or
orientation of the practitioner. After the assess-
ment, appropriate suggestions can be made and
actions taken with respect to the identified ener-
getically stressed issues. This laser like approach is
then able to support the body. Once the body is
supported, it can then utilize its own innate heal-
ing abilities to restore health. We also theorize, that
since frequencies are so important to biological
well-being, then there may be a correlation
between health issues and one’s vocal energy pat-
tern.... The voice is an accurate map or holograph
of the body energetics. Every individual has a
unique voice energy print that may be charted with
special computer software. When charted, the
voice often reveals patterns of sound frequency
energy imbalance. Voice frequencies appear to

relate to physical, emotional, genetic, and nutri-
tional conditions. Once the frequency energy pat-
terns are measured, missing frequencies may be
supplemented externally with a device called a
tonebox. Rebalancing the frequency energy pat-
terns supports the individual being tested in a way
that helps them heal themselves. This work is anal-
ogous to brain wave entrainment. By providing a
constant external input into the biological system
at a frequency where it is deficient, it eventually
rebalances as it learns to resonate at that frequency.
For example, the Bulgarian psychiatrist Gorgi
Lazanoff was able to show an increased capacity for
learning, or superlearning, by playing Baroque
music (1700s Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann, Handel)
and having his students breathe in rhythm with
the beat.
“The audio waveform is analyzed for frequencies
in stress which are then compared to our experi-
mental frequency assignments of vitamins, minerals,
amino acids, bones, muscles and all manner of sub-
stances, including drugs and toxins. Once these fre-
quencies in stress are identified, Bio-Resonance
Therapy utilizes low-frequency waveforms generated
with a small, “Walkman”-style tonebox and deliv-
ered through headphones, sub-woofer or a vibration
transducer. Each tonebox can be programmed for up
to 12 tracks, with up to 4 very accurate frequencies
on each track. These low-frequency waveforms are
non-invasively delivered to the body, often resulting
in immediate remarkable changes. Research indi-
cates that low-frequency waveforms seem to activate
vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other biologic
substances, and show promise at being able to detox-
ify frequencies that correlate with dangerous sub-
stances that may be prominent in the voice analysis.”

southern African healing methods See SANGOMA.

spiritual healing See FAITH HEALING.

spontaneous healing The abatement of symp-
toms or disappearance of disease without apparent
cause. Some attribute spontaneous healing, also
called spontaneous remission, to an act of God or a
remarkable change of attitude or events in a per-
son’s life. In his article “Spontaneous Remission

spontaneous healing 145
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