national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1

sample and creates rainbow-like colors; an oil drop
that separates into “pearls” in the surface of the
sample may indicate a kaphadisorder.
Ayurveda also states that urine is a natural laxa-
tive and detoxifying agent and aids in nutrient
absorption and fecal elimination in the large intes-
tine. Practitioners recommend drinking one cup of
one’s own midstream urine every morning to ben-

efit the large intestine. Urophiles, as urine-therapy
enthusiasts are sometimes called, acknowledge that
this therapy is repulsive to most people, especially
because of the uremic smell and the idea that urine
is a poisonous waste product. One report from the
Xinhua news agency claims that more than 3 mil-
lion Chinese drink their own urine to promote

156 urine therapy

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