Hoffman, a native New Jersey yogi for 27 years,
the practice focuses on relaxation, breath,
self-observation, and individual awareness,
according to Hoffman, whose website is http://www.
verycalm.com. Simple and common yogaasanas
(postures) include balasana(the child’s posture),
paschimottanasana (posterior stretch), bhujan-
gasana(cobra), shalabhasana(locust), ardha mat-
syendrasana (half-spinal twist), shavasana
(corpse), sarvangasana (shoulder stand), and
ardha matsayana (half-fish). Yoga therapy is
known to be beneficial as a preventive health
and exercise regimen and as complementary
treatment for back pain, arthritis and rheuma-
tism, anxiety, migraines, insomnia, nerve or
muscle disease, menstrual problems and pre-
menstrual syndrome, menopause symptoms,
high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma,
bronchitis, duodenal ulcer, hemorrhoids, dia-
betes, obesity, and substance addictions.
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