national center for complementary and alternative medicine five-year strategic plan 2001–2005

(Frankie) #1

Diego, CA 92127-2117 or (800-759-2966) and the
Gerson Institute, P.O. Box 430, Bonita, CA 91908-
0430 or (619-585-7600).

glandulars Also called raw glandular extracts, the
fluids or soluble gland tissue from animal glands
believed to provide an alternative healing method
beneficial in the treatment of various disorders. For
example, raw adrenal glandular is used to stimu-
late the adrenal glands and help in the treatment of
chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, diabetes, infec-
tions, and ulcers. Other essential glandulars include
raw brain, raw female complex, raw heart, raw
kidney, raw lung, raw liver, raw male complex, raw
mammary, raw orchic, raw ovary, raw pancreas,
raw pituitary, raw spleen, raw thymus, raw thy-
roid, and raw uterus, each extract corresponding to
disorders of each gland. Glandular, or cellular, ther-
apy is often combined with the administration of a
specific amino acid and is based on the idea that
like cells help like cells.

green superfoods A common way to refer to
sources of essential nutrients such as protein, fiber,
chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
Among the “superfoods” are green and blue-green
algae, chlorella, spirulina, aloe vera, barley grass,
wheat grass, and alfalfa. The algae, or phytoplank-
ton, are a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamin B 12 ,
and gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), an essential fatty
acid. Chlorella contains the highest known source
of chlorophyll, the green coloration of plants that
facilitates the process of photosynthesis. Photosyn-
thesis involves the light absorbed by chlorophyll as
our primary source of energy—generally, the for-
mation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide, and
from the chlorophyll in plant tissues, the formation
of hydrogen as water.
Spirulina, an alga (or seaweed) that thrives in
ocean and alkaline water, provides protein con-
taining all 21 amino acids, all the B vitamins, beta-
carotene, essential fatty acids, minerals, and trace
minerals. Aloe vera juice from the succulent plant
is a natural oxygenator, antiseptic, astringent, and
topical treatment for burns, ulcerations, and skin
disorders. Green and other grasses contain large

numbers of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, chloro-
phyllins, and proteins, and alfalfa, the basis for liq-
uid chlorophyll, is rich in minerals. The green
superfoods are popular constituents of nutritional

Grinberg Method A type of reflexology called
“Footwork” developed by Avi Grinberg that
attempts to prevent pain and alleviate chronic pain
by teaching practitioners and laypeople to discern
the steps along the process of a physical or emo-
tional crisis and use the techniques of Footwork to
counteract them.

guided imagery Various methods or techniques
that draw upon an individual’s imagination,
thought patterns, emotions, senses, and personal
experience as the “theme” of a meditative, relax-
ation exercise. Considered an adjunctive treatment
for illness, guided imagery is used to promote deep
relaxation and healing; to aid tolerance and reduce
side effects of medical procedures; to decrease pain,
stress, anger, and grief; and to increase the thera-
peutic aspects of self-empowerment and self-con-
trol. For example, the radiation oncologist and
author O. Carl Simonton successfully employed
guided imagery as a technique cancer patients can
use to promote their recovery process. He sug-
gested that patients imagine the radiation as “bul-
lets of energy” hitting and shrinking the cancer
cells. Imagery is also beneficial for the treatment of
chronic headaches, back pain, allergies, hyperten-
sion, gastrointestinal spasms and disease, autoim-
mune diseases, injuries and trauma, irregular
heartbeat, and gynecological problems.

gunas In Ayurvedic medicine, the three attributes
found in nature, that is, in all organic and inorganic
matter: satva (essence, awakening, light), rajas
(movement, or dynamic energy), andtamas(iner-
tia, darkness, and static or potential energy). The
gunasare part of the Samkhya philosophy of cre-
ation, which includes the beliefs that sound is the
gunaof ether, touch is the gunaof air, sight is the
gunaof fire, taste is the gunaof water, and smell is

50 glandulars

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