
(Ann) #1

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LThere is no equilateral triangle whose vertices are plane lattice points.

MAt any party, there is a pair of people who have the same number of
friends present.

NThe number of partitions of an integer into odd integers is equal to the
number of partitions into distinct integers.

OIf the points of the plane are each colored red, yellow, or blue, there
is a pair of points of the same color of mutual distance unity.

PEvery plane map can be colored with 4 colors.

QA continuous mapping of the closed unit disk into itself has a fixed

RWrite down the multiples of

2 , igonoring fractional parts, and un-
derneath the number missing from the first sequence:

12457891112 ...
3610131720232730 ...

The difference is 2 nin then-th place.

SA regular icosahedron inscribed in a regular octahedron divides the
edges in the golden ratio.

TThe number of representations of an odd number as the sum of 4
squares is 8 times the sum of its divisors; of an even number, 24
times the sum of its odd divisors.

UThe word problem for groups is unsolvable.

VThe order of a subgroup divides the order the group.

Weiπ=− 1.

XThere are 5 regular polyhedra.

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