
(Ann) #1

Chapter 34

A British test of teachers’

mathematical background

Samples from a test on the mathematical background of (British) teach-
ers in training in the late 1960’s.^1

1.A necessary condition for the truth of a statementPis thatβ≥ 7.
Which one of the following statement must be true?
AIfβ≥ 7 ,Pis true.
BIfβ≥ 7 ,Pis false.
CIfβ< 7 ,Pis true.
DIfβ< 7 ,Pis false.
E None of these.
2.A sufficient condition for the truth a statementQis thatβ< 0.
Which one of the following statements must be true?

AIfQis true,β≥ 0.
BIfQis false,β≥ 0.
CIfQis true,β< 0.
DIfQis false,β< 0.
E None of these.


(^1) Math. Gazette, 53 (1969) 357–362.

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