The Life of Hinduism

(ff) #1
5 Death beyond Death: The Ochre Robe 76

Agehananda Bharati

part iii festival

6 Divali: The Festival of Lights 91

Om Lata Bahadur

7 Holi: The Feast of Love 99

McKim Marriott

part iv performance

8 An Open-Air Ramayana: Ramlila, the Audience

Experience 115

Linda Hess

9 A Ramayana on Air: β€œAll in the (Raghu)

Family,” A Video Epic in Cultural

Context 140

Philip Lutgendorf

10 Possession by Durga: The Mother Who

Possesses 158

Kathleen M. Erndl

part v gurus

11 Anandamayi Ma: God Came as a Woman 173

Lisa Lassell Hallstrom

12 Radhasoami: The Healing Offer 184

Sudhir Kakar

part vi caste

13 A Dalit Poet-Saint: Ravidas 199

John Stratton Hawley, with Mark Juergensmeyer
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