Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

using nothing but a text editor. Refer to those services or other documentation for the de-
tails of creating a feed.
An XML feed contains “metadata,” which is your podcast’s description, keywords,
tags, and other identifying information that help your efforts to be found. Here are a few
tips for developing metadata for iTunes from the minds at Apple:

  1. Pay very close attention to the title, author, description, and keywords tags at the and level of your podcast feed, because these are the fields that iTunes
    indexes for search. This metadata, along with your podcast art, is your product packaging.
    It will affect whether your podcast shows up in relevant searches, and whether users who
    find your podcast are likely to click the Subscribe button.

  2. Make your title specific. A podcast entitled "Our Community Bulletin" is too
    vague and will attract few, if any, subscribers, no matter how compelling the content.

  3. Take advantage of the tag. The tag (or the tag if is not present) is your chance to tell potential sub-
    scribers all about your podcast. Describe your subject matter, media format, episode

schedule, and other relevant info so that they know what they’ll be getting when they sub-
scribe. In addition, make a list of the most relevant search terms that you want your pod-
cast to match, then build them into your description. Note that iTunes removes podcasts
that include lists of irrelevant words in the , , or


  1. Minimize keyword usage. Almost nothing belongs in the keywords tag that isn’t
    better handled in the title or tag. The best use for keywords is to in-
    clude common misspellings of your name or title, to ensure your podcast is still search-

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