Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

  • Your act has multiple streams of revenue. This means, CDs sales, but also live shows,
    merchandise and other revenue sources, such as songwriting. The labels will know they
    can capitalize on this quickly.

  • You’ve demonstrated that you understand the importance of marketing and promotion
    and know how it works. You can show your Facebook Page, Website, e-newsletter, MyS-
    pace, Twitter, press kit and other public relations materials, etc.

  • You can demonstrate a fairly clear understanding of the industry. Perhaps you’ve
    recorded and have gained insight into the production process, you know what a 360 deal
    is all about, This is part of being professional, but also, the less the label needs to train
    you and your band members, the better. Ultimately, the label will save money.

When the time comes to start talking contract, don’t start bouncing off the walls,

agreeing to whatever the label presents. That’s just bad business. Always run every con-

tract, whether it’s for a record label deal or for a vehicle lease, by your legal eagles. It’s
their job to protect you and ensure you get a fair deal at the end of the day.

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