Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

touch point, meaning wherever you interact with your fans, broader audience and key in-

fluencers such as the media, recording industry personnel and others. That’s certainly not
something to be left to chance. It requires some careful thought, asking some tough ques-

tions, planning and consistent implementation. Let’s look at some of those tough ques-
tions. These are just a starting point for you.

  • What is your music all about? What are you trying to say and accomplish with it?

  • Who is your audience? How are they defined?

  • What is your audience’s attitude? What are they looking for in music?

  • What does your band do differently than all the others?

  • What bands or acts do you directly compete within your musical arena? What are they
    all about in terms of strengths and weaknesses?

  • What major problem does your music and act solve for the audience and fans?
    This might sound like a weird question, but music does solve various problems for
    people. It might be your songs speak to the hearts and emotions of your audience and re-
    flects their feelings. In effect, your tunes give them an outlet and sense of association or
    belonging. It may be that your act helps them vent some rage or simply escape for a

while. Conversely, it may help them to relax. Maybe you’re a cover band that plays
oldies. In that case, perhaps your music brings back fond memories for your fans.

  • What have your fans gained that they didn’t have before listening to you?

This is the “What’s in it for me?” factor and closely related to the previous bullet

point. Everybody wants to know what’s in it for them. Maybe it’s just that, as a species,

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