Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

  • Avoid Flash is possible or use it sparingly.

  • Don’t use a splash page.
    Splash pages are intro pages to a site. Whereas they may have been nifty back in the
    90s, when nobody really knew what they were doing when it came to Web design, they
    serve no purpose today and can hurt your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

  • Give careful though to keywords and phrases.

Test potential keyword with a keyword tool such as Google’s Keyword Tool. You can
find it at It will provide a wealth
on information including how many searches were conducted for a particular word or
phrase and alternate keywords you may not have considered.

Planning Your Website
Before starting to plan your site, some background might be in order for those who aren’t

familiar with how this whole Web thing works under the hood. It’s important to get a han-

dle on things at the beginning so you don’t find yourself tripping over yourself down the
road and need to redo your work.
There are two accounts you’ll need–a domain name account and a hosting account. A
domain name account is your It can be purchased from several
sources including, and When the
Web was young, Network Solutions was the only source to buy a domain name and peo-
ple paid around $75.00 US for them. Now they can be obtained for under $10.

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