Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

Keeping In Touch With Fans Via An E-Newsletter
Savvy musicians know they need to continually market and promote themselves to stay

on their fans’ radar screens. They’ve learned that marketing isn’t evil. Marketing is their
best bet to slay the monster called Feast Or Famine Syndrome. Keeping the lines of com-
munication open between you and your fans is imperative to building your fan base, as
well as selling tickets, music and merchandise. Finding tools that work and keep a musi-
cian top-of-mind is critical to help ensure future gigs and sales. So, finding the right

tools–tools that are both inexpensive and work–is pretty darn important.
Fortunately, we live in a day and age where there are loads of online marketing and

promotion tools and tactics that won’t break the bank. Many are even free. The Web has
radically changed the way musicians, and businesses in general, leverage and implement
their marketing efforts. Gone are the days of promoting a show with posters tacked to
telephone poles.
Enter the old standby, email marketing, and its younger cousin, social media. Face-
book, with its 900+ million users, is free as is Twitter. A blog or podcast can be great
tools for musician to share their thoughts, present their music, sell tickets and feature
merchandise. YouTube also offers an excellent platform for getting the word out with
But, there’s some talk out there that e-mail marketing is becoming a thing of the past,

what with all this social media and networking stuff going on. I beg to differ. I believe it’s

still a very viable marketing tool. Here’s why:

  • E-newsletters are dirt cheap to produce.

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