Starting Your Career As A Musician

(Frankie) #1

But what about developing content for regular e-newsletters? That can become a chal-
lenge for many small business owners in a fairly short time. Here are some ideas:

  • Upcoming shows

  • Band or musician news

  • New music

  • New merchandise

  • Band member profiles

  • Song backgrounds–how and why you wrote a particular tune

  • Links to YouTube video clips

  • Ask for performance and song feedback

  • New blog posts

  • Social media highlights

Social media can be a great thing and will be discussed in depth in the next chapter.
But, social media posts, tweets and the likes tend to get lost in the shuffle. These outlets

go by rather fast and everybody is in a frantic pace to be heard. Email marketing isn’t as

rushed. Your subscribers are subscribers because they want to hear from you. That’s
golden. Odds are, these fans will take the time to open your messages and follow a few
links. In return, give them something beyond news. Consider giving away a couple of t-
shirts or other merchandise, just for your subscribers. Maybe you could hold a contest

and offer a backstage pass with a “meet and greet” the band for the winner. People want

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