Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Economy

(avery) #1


addition, the patchwork of state-by-state licensing rules leads to dramatically different
requirements for the same occupations depending on the state in which one lives, potentially
burdening workers who aim to move across state lines frequently. Best practices in licensing
could allow states, working together or individually, to safeguard the well-being of consumers
while maintaining a modernized regulatory system that meets the needs of workers and
businesses. For example, groups of states could harmonize regulatory requirements as much as
possible, and where appropriate enter into inter-state compacts that recognize licenses from other
states to increase the mobility of skilled workers.^78

Pursue Place-Based Solutions

To the extent that AI will differentially affect certain cities, policies should be appropriately
targeted and can build on and learn from existing Administration policies. The Administration
has launched a series of “place-based” initiatives, often focused on economically challenged
areas, that empower local leaders in participating communities by helping to connect them with
the resources they need to enact their own homegrown solutions for the challenges facing their

Initiatives such as Choice Neighborhoods and Promise Zones take a big-picture approach to
development. Their work helps improve communities’ access to and delivery of a wide range of
services and activities, from building housing and creating jobs, to supporting after-school
programs and improving the health of local residents. Agencies across the Federal Government
have worked together to cut through red tape and expand opportunity for the people they serve.

Another example, TechHire, is a national initiative to create pathways for more Americans to
access well-paying technology jobs and expand local technology sectors in communities across
the country. Originally announced by President Obama in 2015, TechHire enables employers to
fill entry-level, career-path, skilled technology jobs, by hiring trained job seekers with the ability
to do the job—but who are overlooked by typical hiring practices or underrepresented in the IT

Modernize tax policy

Tax policy plays a critical role in combating inequality, including income inequality that may be
exacerbated by changes in employment from AI-based automation. A progressive tax system
helps ensure that the benefits of economic growth are broadly shared, pushing back against
increased inequality in pre-tax income. Progressive taxation is critical for raising adequate
revenue to fund national security and domestic priorities, including supporting and retraining
workers who may be harmed by increased automation, and will only grow more important if
outsized gains continue to accrue at the top while other workers are left struggling. It is also

(^78) The White House, “Occupational Licensing: A Framework for Policymakers,” July 2015

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