The Origins of Music: Preface - Preface

(Amelia) #1
Ujhelyi,M.(1979).Connections between social structure and individual learning ability.
Tajekoztato3:49–69 (in Hungarian).
de Waal,F.B.M.(1988).The communicative repertoire of captive bonobos (Pan paniscus)
compared to that of chimpanzees.Behaviour106:183–251.
Whiten,A.and Byrne,R.W.(1988).The Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis.In R.W.
Byrne and A.Whiten (Eds.) Machiavellian Intelligence:Social Expertise and the Evolution
of Intellect in Monkeys,Apes,and Humans(pp.1–9).Oxford:Clarendon Press.

134 Maria Ujhelyi

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