Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

Sofia before World War II: urban design as a cultural implication

There is without doubt an analogy between Sofia’s
ring road and Vienna’s Ringstrasse, because of both
the dimensions and the principles of composing.^38
The design of the places is similar: the compositional
axes are oriented at right angles to the ring road.
The radial streets of Sofia are located as transverse
axes to the ring road and can be interpreted as the
Vienna’s places along the Ringstrasse, getting this
way an important compositional role. Despite of the
similarities between Sofia’s and Vienna’s ring roads,
there are differences too. The ring road of Sofia is
more the result of a generous planning in the end of
the nineteenth century and less a historic trace, as
like in Vienna. It is planned in the course of an “outer”
urban extension, which is the essential difference to
the Vienna’s Ringstrasse, which is built on the former
Glacis, the fortification belt between the medieval
city and the surrounding towns. It is consequently an
“inner” expansion in the course of the incorporation
of the surrounding communities into Vienna in
the middle of the nineteenth century.^39 To see the
design of Sofia’s ring road just as a repetition of the
Vienne’s example would be incomplete, because the
topography and the river flows are as well important
preconditions for its lay out. Also the consideration
of the medieval defensive trench is a point for the
tracing of the ring road, especially on the southern
city edges.

Sofia’s urbanism until the World War I manifest two
phases: The regulation focuses on the modernisation
of the Ottoman settlement in the first phase. It is a
large scaled intervention, which rationalised and
intensified the use of the territory.^40 The first phase is
closely related to the activities of the foreign experts,
who accelerate the Europeanizing of the settlements
image. Their contributions are in the professional
sense decisive and trend-setting, but their work is

Fig. 8
The three basic elements of the urban model
of Sofia: the historic radial directions, the
newly planned ring roads and the orthogonal
grid of streets displacing the ottoman
patterns. (Doytchinov/Petev)
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