Sofia before World War II: urban design as a cultural implication
The Mussman-plan is a subject of criticism by both public and experts. The
motivations for the objections vary in character. Some of them are strictly
professional and are related to the fact that the author isn’t acquainted very well
with the peculiarities of the Bulgarian reality and of Sofia in particular. The most
discussions are born by the idea for the redesigning of the city center, because
Mussman doesn’t respect the ensembles from the turn of the century. Serious
discussions arise from the modernistic idea of the total functional division.^57
Zheleva-Martins concludes: “Despite the fact that the plan of Mussman is not
realized because of WW II, the contents and all the discussions it causes have
an exclusively fruitful influence on the attitude to urbanism issues of both
professionals and citizens. That is how the spirit of modernistic urbanism with
all its concepts, criteria and standards, come in touch with the town planning
problems of Sofia.”^58 The discussion on the plan is an expression of a ripe civil
society: The urbanism is no more seen as a technocratic decision making, but as
the result of a wider professional and public discussion. The post-war political
change interrupts this process. Many of the ideas of Mussman are however
realized later on even if changed and adapted, but his name is not mentioned
because of political reasons.
Despite of the design qualities, Sofia’s urbanism policy is from the very
beginning a controversial one. It is characterized until WW I with a very fast
implementation speed, reflecting both the expectations of the intelligence
strata, dominating politically and the need of adequate shape for the dynamic
changing society. The regulation plans are a cultural implementation and an
accelerating factor for the establishing of the civil society. Sofia’s after-liberation
urbanism can be evaluated from the distance of time as the right instrument
for a sustainable and adequate urban development. But it is in a conspicuous
contradiction to the resistant pre-modern way of life of the predominantly
uneducated rural population streaming to the capital. The realization of the
Fig. 13, 14
The analyses of the
representative center by H.
Ganchev find out regularities
in the ensemble design
composition. (Ganchev)