Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

Mihai Alexandru

Fig. 6
Bucharest: the evidence and the intensity of public spaces.
(CSB2035, interpretation by Alexandru)

A further layer that has to be taken into account is
the symbolic intensity of places, which, although a
subjective criteria, can offer an important view on the
current centrality of Bucharest. Here two different
aspects are considered: public space and its use; the
presence of heritage elements and/or emblematic
buildings or sites.

Public space, apart from its recent popularity, in
terms of arrangement but also in terms of use, can
prove a useful criteria for delimitation between
commercial centralities and the central area of
Bucharest: while it is more prevalent in the city-
center and contributes to its urbanity, in the case
of malls or shopping-centers it is lacking almost
completely, thus inhibiting the diffusion of centrality
in the surrounding area. A recent wave of events,
temporary activities, seasonal, monthly or weekly as
well as marches are transforming the intensity in use
of public spaces, thus contributing to the empowering
of symbolization of the spaces themselves.

Based on the perception, dependent upon the number of symbolized elements
as well as on their importance, different layers of intensiveness are classifiable,
thus making evident the places of centrality. From this point of view the central
area, with its extension to the North, possessor of a large number of monuments
and heritage buildings and protected areas, constitutes a privileged place of
great symbolic importance. The city center ”seen from a symbolic perspective, is
the surface with the best representation, that condenses the image of the city in
the conscience of its inhabitants, having the highest socio-cultural prestige and
maximum public notoriety”^30

Bucharest Strategic Concept 2035

As a response to the thirteen years of rather incoherent development, in which
most of the proposed poles were not confirmed or simply underdeveloped,
CSB2035 is proposing a different approach: a combination between strategic
areas and strategic nodes and connections. Conceived as a backbone for
development, the strategic areas are designated according to the needs of
development of the city, insisting on specific operation that are needed. The
poles^31 are meant to give the incentive of development while good connectivity
is judged not only in a good articulation of railway, metro and a conciliation
of pedestrian and car traffic but also through stressing on the key role of
Dâmbovița river^32 as a backbone of development and of cohesive integration
of the development areas. An integrated policy especially designed for the city-
center is thought in continuity to previous measures while taking into account

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