Planning Capital Cities

(Barré) #1

plan”. The politicians used their popularity to announce and present the plan
to the public. The media was also involved during the professional debate that
took place in the Urban Planning Committee of the Municipality. And, then,
when the plan was released, it unleashed a fervent public debate around
every chapter and proposal of the plan that lasted for years. The image as the
only modern urban plan of the city was carefully, but artificially, maintained
throughout the years.

The PDS|35 appeared victoriously as the great endeavour of Bucharest urban
planning after years of explorations and searches, though it was not the first
nor the most important plan of Bucharest or even the plan with the greatest
impact in the development of the city. On the contrary, it was just one of a
series of important plans. But as the experts and the public conscience retained
the previous urban plans as failures, the PDS|35 captured the entire attention
and thus became some sort of a Star-Plan from the era between the two wars.
PDS|35 concluded the entire planning effort begun in 1906 and brought up
significant innovations in the urban planning practice: changed the approach
towards the city by bringing the public as the main stakeholder for urban
planning thus changing the institutional culture and the practice of urban
planning. It was the last stage of an effort aimed to shape the urbanism as
a scientific discipline that looks so familiar to us today. In fact, this was the
real success and this can become the true label of this plan in the history of
Romanian urbanism.

Extended list of references:

  • (1935) Planul Director de Sistematizare al Municipiului Bucureşti, Memoriu
    justificativ. Bucure şti, Editura Institutului Urbanistic al României.

  • Davidescu, Al. & Stroescu, M. I. (1907) ”Programul concursului pentru
    proiectul de sistematizarea oraşului Bucureşti” in Costinescu, N. G.
    ”Proiectul cu motto ’lucrează fără preget’ pentru sistematizarea oraşului
    Bucure şti”, Buletinul Societății Politecnice, anul XXIII, no. 11, November,
    pp. 463-469.

  • Georgescu, N. (1908) ”Planul de sistematizare a capitalei (după notele
    sale)” in Buletinul Societății Politecnice, year XXIV, no. 8, August, pp. 276-

  • Lascu, Nicolae (1997) Legislaţie şi dezvoltare urbană. Bucureşti 1831 -
    1952 , doctoral thesis, IAUIM, Bucureşti.

  • Lascu, Nicolae (2010-2011) ”Primul program pentru sistematizarea
    Bucure ştiului” in Urbanismul - serie nouă, no. 7/2010 - 8/2011, număr
    tematic Momente de urbanism românesc, pp. 33-34.

  • Rădulescu, T. A. (1929) ”Planul de sistematizare al Capitalei” in Monitorul
    Uniunei Oraşelor din România, anul VI, no. 1-2, January-February, pp.

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