Part II: Tackling the Puzzles

(Elle) #1

238 Part II: Tackling the Puzzles


  1. Arabian Nights flying

  2. Agenda contents

  3. Pie choice

  4. Santa ___, Calif.

  5. What the Beatles

  6. Battery terminal

  7. N.Y.C. subway

  8. It features catkins

  9. Second-longest human

  10. Most microscopic

  11. Important business to
    many states

  12. Boxing officials, briefly

  13. Establish a better
    foothold, as with plants

  14. Miniature golf club

  15. Special-interest grp.

  16. Kama ___

  17. First name in hoteliers

  18. Part of a tooth or

  19. Participant in a
    confidence game

  20. Give off, as rays

  21. Turn swords into
    plowshares, for example

  22. Beverages from Japan

  23. Audiophile’s stack

  24. Daytime showing

  25. Very energetic person
    52. Jagged rock
    54. Type of egg
    57. Precipitating in winter,
    in a way
    61. Impolite looker
    62. Diagonally
    65. Bit of financial planning,
    for short
    66. Loud, as the surf
    67. Delicate purple
    68. Little bit of liquor
    69. Strong tastes or
    pungent odors
    70. Fix firmly in place
    71. Wait partner


  1. “Nick of Time” singer

  2. Blame It ___ (Michael
    Caine film)

  3. Sneaky thief

  4. Makes inoperable

  5. Athenian T

  6. Nearly half of 99?

  7. Atomizer output

  8. Nay follower

  9. Sore

  10. Volunteer recruit

  11. Merry king

  12. Commotions

  13. Colorful amphibian

  14. What to do after you
    “read ’em”
    21. Dander
    24. Old French coins
    25. Emperors in the closet?
    28. Three-tone chord
    30. Mixologist’s creation,
    31. National Velvet author
    32. Exterminator’s targets,
    33. Musical composition
    34. Ancient alphabetic
    36. Substance used in
    adhesives and paints
    39. Place to check for a
    41. What an actor may flub
    44. Sufferers for causes
    46. Took pleasure in
    49. Worldly rather than
    51. Russian fighter
    53. Dwarf of fable
    55. Macabre
    56. Hang loosely
    57. Three-handed card
    58. Italian coin of old
    59. College on the Thames
    60. Metric system unit
    63. Pencil stump
    64. Halloween, to All Saints’

Puzzle 106: Finding Felines


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