(Ron) #1

LEADWORT Plumbago spp.


The genus Plumbago belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae is a popular and
medicinally very important group of medicinal plants. Three species, namely P. rosea, P.
zeylanica and P. auriculata have been identified. Among these P. rosea and P. zeylanica are
important ones.
Plumbago, in general is an esteemed remedy for leucoderma and other skin diseases.
The synonyms of fire like agnih, vahnih, etc. are attributed to this drug to indicate the very
burning action of the root, causing blisters on the skin (daranah). The drug is used only after
adequate curing and purification. Root is the officinal part and it enters into the composition
of preparations like Citrakasavam, Dasamularista, Gulgulutiktaka kasaya, Yogarajachurna,

1. P. rosea Linn. syn. P. indica Linn.

Eng: Rosy-flowered Leadwort; San: Citrakah, Dhahanah; Hin: Lalcitra, Raktacitra;
Ben: Lalchita; Mal: Kotuveli, Chettikkoduveli, Chuvannakotuveli;
Tam: Chenkotuveli, Cittiramulam; Kan: Kempacitramula; Tel: Yerracitramulam
Rosy-flowered leadwort or Fire plant is a native of Coromandel Coast. It is found
throughout India, in moist situations as well as cultivated. The roots are useful in dyspepsia,
colic, inflammations, cough, bronchitis, helmenthiasis, haemorrhoids, elephantiasis, chronic
and intermittent fever, leprosy, leucoderma, ringworm, scabies, hepatosplenomegaly,
amenorrhoea, odontalgia, vitiated conditions of vata, kapha and anaemia. It is a pretty
subscandent perennial shrub with semi-woody striate stems and flexible branches. Leaves are
simple, alternate oblong, short cuneate at the base passing into a very short amplexicaul,
exauriculate, and reddish petiole. Flowers are bright red, arranged in long terminal spikes.
The calyx ribs are covered with stipitate, bifarious and subsessile gland. Corolla tube is
slender and four times as long as the calyx. The stout roots are cylindrical, irregularly bent,
light yellowish brown with smooth surface having short transverse shallow fissures at the
regions of the bents. A light yellowish juice excudes from the cut surface. A healthy plant may
produce 18-20 stout roots (Warrier et al, 1995).
The chemical constituents include plumbagin and sitosterol glucoside. Clinical trials
have demonstrated that plumbagin oil from P. indica is useful in common wart (Satyavati et
al, 1987). The roots are acrid, astringent, thermogenic, anthelmintic, constipating,
expectorant, antiinflammmatory, abortifacient, alterant, anti-periodic, carminative, digestive,
sudorific, narcotic, gastric, nervous stimulant and rejuvenating. Root is a powerful sialogogue
and vesicant.

2. P. zeylanica Linn.

Eng:White flowered Leadwort; San:Chitraka; Hin, Ben:Chitarak, Chitra; Mal:Vellakotuveli
Tam: Sittragam, Chittiramoolam; Kan: Vahini; Mar: Chitraka; Tel: Chitramulam
White flowered Leadwort or Chitarak is found wild in peninsular India and mostly in
West Bengal. Root is used externally in leprosy and other skin diseases or obstinate
character, aphthae, abscesses, influenza, piles and anasarca. Juice is used externally in
scabies and ulcers. One of the important preparations of Chitrak is “Yograjguggal”,
prescribed for arthritis, rheumatism, etc. The other well known preparations are “Chitrak
Adivati” and “ Chitraka Haritaki”. In Unani system it is an ingredient of “Aqaruva-i-
Kabir”, “Hab Ashkhar”, “Ma’jun Baladur”, “Ma’jun Raig Mahi”, etc. It is a branched
undershrub. Roots are long and tuberous. Stem is striate. Leaves are simple, alternate, short
petioled, ovate or ovate-oblong, acute with entire or wavy margin, 7x3.8cm and glabrous.
Flowers are white, arranged in terminal spikes. Calyx is tubular, glandular-hairy. Corolla
tube is slender; limb rotate and 5 lobbed. Stamens are 5 on a disc. Style is slender with 5
stigmatic branches. Fruit is membranous capsule enclosed within the persistent calyx.
The roots of P. zeylanica have been exhaustively studied and naphthaquinones have
been isolated, namely, plumbagin, 3-chlroplumbagin, droserone (Sidhu et al, 1971; Padhye et

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