5. B. retusa Roxb.
The plant is distributed in north-western Himalayas from the Beas eastwards,
Himachal Pradesh, U.P., Orissa, M.P. and A.P. The gum of the plant is emmenagogue, diuretic
and can be used externally in sores. The seed is hypoglycaemic and hypocholesterolaemic.
The aerial part is CVS active and has effect on respiration.
6. B. vahlii W.&A.
Camel’s Foot climber is found in Punjab, Bihar, Assam, Madhy Pradesh, Andra Pradesh and
Tamil Nadu. Leaf is demulcent. Seed is tonic and aphrodisiac. Stem is CVS active,
antiarrhythmic and spasmolytic.
Well drained hilly areas are ideal for the cultivation of Bauhinia. The plant is seed
propagated. Seeds are formed in February-March. Seeds are to be collected from the dried
pods, soaked in water for 12 hours before sowing in seedbeds. At four-leaved stage they are
to be transferred to polybags. Two month old seedlings from polybags are used for field
planting. Pits of size 60cm^ cube are to be taken and filled with 10kg dried cowdung mixed
with topsoil and formed into a mound. On these seedlings are to be planted at a distance of 6-
7.5m. Irrigation is to be given in the first year. Two weedings and application of organic
manure once is required in a year. The plant is not attacked by any serious pests and diseases.
The plant flowers on the third year. At the end of tenth year the tree can be cut and wood used
for medicinal purposes (Prasad et al, 1997).
Properties and activity
Flowers contain flavanoids-kaempferol- 3 - galactoside and kaempferol- 3 -
rhamnoglucoside. Stem bark yields hentriacontane, octacosanol and stigmasterol. Stem yields
β-sitisterol, lupiol and a flavanone glycoside-5, 7-dimethoxy flavanone 4-O-α-L-
rhamnopyranoside-β-D-glucopyranoside. Seeds possess human blood agglutinating activity.
Stem bark is hypothermic, CNS active and depressant. Bud, flower, leaf and stembark are
antibacterial. Stem possesses juvenoid activity. Bark is alterative, tonic, antileprotic and
antirheumatic. Bud is antidysenteric. Root is carminative and antidote for snakebite. Bark,
flower and root promote suppuration. Bark and bud are astringent and vermifuge (Husain et
al, 1992).