The Sunday Times Magazine - UK (2022-02-13)

(Antfer) #1
The Sunday Times Magazine • 43


2 people

2 whole beetroot (roughly 170g )
Olive oil
2 small oranges, peel and pith
½ tbsp apple cider vinegar
50g feta cheese

01 Heat the oven to 180C (200C
non-fan). Wash the beetroot and
remove the leaves but keep an
inch or so of stalk and the root
intact. Place in a roasting tin,
drizzle with olive oil and sea salt,
then roast for about 45 min.

02 Once cool, rub off the skin
with a paper towel and slice
into rounds.

03 Slice the oranges into similar-
sized rounds and arrange on a
serving dish with the beetroot.
I like to do this in a concentric
circle with the slices overlapping.

04 In a small bowl, lightly
whisk together 1 tablespoon
olive oil and the vinegar, then
drizzle over the salad.

05 Crumble the feta over the
orange and beetroot. Season
to taste with a little sea salt.


orange and

feta salad

This tastes delightfully fresh:
the juicy sweet orange and the
earthy beetroot are, without
wanting to put too fine a point
on it, a marriage made in heaven.
I like to crumble a little salty
feta over everything just before
serving — but you could leave
it off, if you prefer, and simply
dress with olive oil, a dash of
vinegar and a smattering of
salt flakes. Otherwise sprinkle
over a few fresh thyme leaves or
coarsely chopped mint or basil;
or even a few black olives and a
handful of flaked almonds.

Right: beetroot,
orange and feta salad.
Bottom right: roasted
sea bream with baby
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