Millionaire Traders
be trading the open of the European session. So that was exactly
what he did, and that was when he started to become successful.
It had nothing to do with him or his system, but rather he was just
trading at the wrong time of day. Self-reflection is key to becoming
a profitable trader in my opinion. You have to consciously make
every effort to balance these activities with your daily activities and
implement consistency in daily trading times.
Q: Sound like it just falls back to what we talked about earlier,
which is going back reviewing your trading and seeing the mistake.
A: I think that people always like to shift blame to someone or
something else, such as an indicator not working or the market is
reacting weird. They have difficulty admitting that the problem or
fault is actually themselves, and I think they need to make mental
adjustments to be okay with that. You need to be very honest with
yourself when you are trading.
Q: What do you find is the most interesting part of trading itself?
A: I love looking at the charts and doing the analysis.
Q: What’s the most frustrating then?
A: Sometimes waiting for a trade setup to occur can be a bit boring
and frustrating. In the beginning there was a huge adrenaline rush.
You will be waiting for a trade. You can see the signal building up,
and it’s getting closer and closer. It was like a roller coaster ride.
But what I found was that it’s not as glamorous as people seem to
make it out to be. A lot of the time now I just sit around and watch
the screen, waiting for something to happen and sometimes that
could take hours, and I would get frustrated. There were even days
before I had the robot, where I was away from the screen, and I