Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
The News Junkie

Q: Spoken like a true trader. How does your family feel about

A: Oh, they think I’m crazy [laughter]. They didn’t understand at
first. They thought I was spending probably too much time doing
it. But I’m not married and I don’t have any children, so that helps
a lot. I still visit my family and they’re aware of the number of
hours I spend doing this. After I explained the market to them and
how it works, they have, in fact, become pretty interested.

Q: So have they started trading as well?

A: They haven’t. I’m trying to train my sister to trade, but we’ll
see how that turns out.

Q: Do you have any trading buddies or do you pretty much do
this by yourself?

A: I do talk to a few people. I try not to let them influence my
trade ideas because it just seems like you know the market is always
changing. So if I told you to go long the dollar right now, you know,
four hours from now I could be telling you to go short. So I try
not to make any predictions. But I do discuss the markets with a
few key people. We talk about things, but we never discuss exactly
what we’re going to do. We just talk about the economy in general.

Q: How often would you talk to them?

A: I would say that we probably brainstorm or talk markets once
a week. During my downtime, I do enjoy reading trade ideas on
different forums or online bulletin boards. I normally don’t take
any ideas from them, but I like to read what the consensus is, what
everyone is thinking, and I may go against that or I may go with it.

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