Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
Millionaire Traders

So I suggested we check out a couple of nearby offices and that’s
how it all started.

Q: So you went along with him on a trip? When you walked into
one of those trading operations that were so common in the late
’90s, what was your initial reaction?

A: My jaw hit the floor. I remember the first office, I think

Q: How big was the room that you walked into?

A: It wasn’t real huge in terms of bodies, but it was a full shop. I
don’t know the head count—under 50 I’m guessing. I just remem-
ber the branch manager showing me the trader P&Ls by noon. I
thought, “Are these monthly or yearly P&Ls?” [laughter.] I said,
“Wait a minute, all you got to do is play this game?”

Q: Like playing a video game, right?

A: Right. I mean that was essentially how it was advertised. So I
just went and started checking out more shops after I got back to

Q: Were you living in the suburbs of Chicago or the city proper?

A: At that point, I was six hours south of Chicago, in southern
Illinois. I went to school at SIU.

Q: We can’t imagine many day trading shops around there.

A: Right, nothing. So I just called around and asked, “Where’s
the closest place I can go try it?” and it seemed like it was Chicago.

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