Millionaire Traders

(Greg DeLong) #1
The Great Adapter

Q: These days, what would you say is your average holding time
in a position?

A: Good question. It differs. If I take the average, I would prob-
ably say seven minutes now.

Q: How many filters do you have running?

A: Eight.

Q: Are these filters a result of your experience? How did you
come to designing these filters?

A: Experience is some of it, and the other is just tweaking them,
a lot of trial and error. You can get pretty advanced now.

Q: And you use all those tools? You will use chart ideas, volume
ideas and other tools in your filters?

A: Right. I’m not a real technician; I’m more of a momentum

Q: When did you start to move to more of a filter-based trading?

A: Probably 2004, definitely all of 2005. I pretty much don’t have
any staple stocks I go to, like I used to.

Q: So you don’t have emotional attachment to any of these
positions. It might as well be an A-B-C-X-Y-Z symbol in many

A: Right.

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