Millionaire Traders
Q: So you guys sort of electronically point out certain interesting
things that you are seeing and sharing, sometimes pooling your
A: Exactly. Sometimes trades happen so quickly that I can’t type,
“Hey, join me.” Or maybe the stock is too thin, but maybe after the
fact I’ll say, “I caught this one for 30 to 40 cents. It looks like a good
one to watch for the rest of the day.” Just alerting one another to
stocks that are good to put on a watch list for later.
Q: Once you find a mover in your filters, something that’s really
going strong, will you go back to it the next day and the next day
to see if there is more juice to be squeezed from the fruit?
A: Yes. If they’re really good ones, we’ll keep them on our “in-
play list.” Last week there was an IPO, and we’ve been on it every
day. Until it runs dry, we’ll keep hitting it.
Q: So you close shop essentially three, maybe four o’clock—do
you then do some after-hours trading, some news trading if there
are earning releases, or things like that?
A: Yeah. Then my second job starts, till five or six.
Q: Your mentorship job that you do with China?
A: Yes. It’s a lot of e-mails, looking at reports, doing some analysis
either on traders or their trades. I’m working with another guy now
on some automated trading programs as well.
Q: There’s a lot of projects on your plate. This year, since you
pretty much go flat every single day, how many winning days—no