The Great Adapter
Q: And getting out meant you were taking any offer that was
going to be out there. You didn’t try to get cute, go to the bid?
A: I tried a combination because the spread was so wide. But
yeah, I was taking offers that were way out there. Then I proceeded
to trade it the whole following week and half and made it all back.
Q: You did? Was that revenge trading?
A: Maybe a small inkling of it was [laughter]. But I knew over
the past couple years of trading that I did very well trading it.
Q: So you had a good feel for the stock?
A: Yes. After the initial craziness was over, it was good actually
because it had more volume after the buyout. So it was trading
more actively.
Q: So you could make more bid/ask?
A: Right. I was now flipping 200 to 300 shares because the volume
was there.
Q: Yeah, you did what you had to do. Final questions. What do
you find to be the most interesting part of this job?
A: The competition. The constant strive to become a better trader
and learn new things. Every day is a new game and usually differs
from the previous day.
Q: Competition with yourself or the competition against others?
A: Both. I strive to be better and go to market and take money
out of it every day.