* omslag Between Stillness PB:DEF

(Greg DeLong) #1

. See D.N Rodowick,The Virtual Life of Film(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
. Stanley Cavell,The World Viewedenlarged ed. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press,), ix.
. Laura Mulvey,Deathx a Second: Stillness and the Moving Image(London: Reaktion
. Ibid.,.
. See, for example, the works of Henry Jenkins, Thomas Elsaesser and David Bord-
well, who basically agree on the fact that Hollywood’s way of narrating stays the
same, but more significantly, they agree that Hollywood can narrate films with
greater complexity and oddness due to computer-generated imaging and further,
they can expand their narratives through what Jenkins calls the business of“trans-
media”. See Jenkins,Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide(New
York: New York University Press,) and Thomas Elsaesser,“The Digital Para-
dox”, unpublished lecture,.
. Manovich,The Language of New Media(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,).
. As Les Goldschlager and Andrew Lister write in their classic textbook on computer
science: The algorithm“is the unifying concept for all the activities which computer
scientists engage in”(Goldschlager and Lister,Computer Science: A Modern Introduc-
tion(New York: Prentice Hall,),.
. Manovich,Software Takes Command.Available at http://www.manovich.net/ (ac-
cessed July,).
. D.N. Rodowick,The Virtual Life of Film(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
. Ibid.,.
. William Uricchio:“The Algorithmic Turn: Photosynth, Augmented Reality and the
Changing Implications of the Image”(unpublished manuscript).
. See Alexander Galloway,Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture(Minneapolis: Uni-
versity of Minnesota Press,).
. Galloway,Gaming,.
. Ibid.,.
. Alexander Galloway.“What You Get Is What You See”inThe Archive in Motion.
New Conceptions of the Archive in Contemporary Thought and New Media Practices.
Nota bene: Studies from the National Library of Norway, E. Røssaak (ed.) (Oslo:
. Geoffrey Batchen,Each Wild Idea: Writing, Photography, History(Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press,).
. Margaret Dikovitskaya,“An interview with Laura U. Marks”. In Margaret Dikovits-
kaya,Visual Culture: A Study of the Visual After the Cultural Turn.(Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press,), p.-.
. Batchen,Each Wild Idea,.
. Friedrich Kittler,“Computeranalphabetismus”in F. Kittler,Short Cuts(Frankfurt
am Main: Zweitausendeins,),-.

202 Eivind Røssaak

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