Music: An Art and a Language

(Ann) #1

examples of those periods of depression or exultation (espe-
cially on a pedal-point) so characteristic of the Slav, and lastly,
there are pages of extreme brilliancy. In fact, the orchestra-
tion throughout is of such convincing power that it refutes any
charge of sensationalism or mere bombast. If to us the music
seem unrestrained, unbridled, we are to remember that the Rus-
sian temperament is prone to a reckless display of emotion just
as in their churches they like to “lay the colors on thick.” The
movement begins with an extended prelude in which the original
sombre motto is transformed into a stately, march-like theme.
This is presented twice with continually richer scoring and more
rhythmic animation. The closing measures of the prelude are a
specific instance of that protracted mood of depression spoken
of above. The movement proper begins at the Allegro vivace
with a fierce, impassioned theme,


which leads, in measure 25, to a subsidiary theme treated at
first in free double counterpoint[314] and later canonically.


[Footnote 314: By double counterpoint is meant such a group-
ing of the voices that they may be inverted (the upper voice
becoming the lower and vice versa) and sound equally well. For
further comments, together with illustrative examples, consult
Chapter IX of Spalding’sTonal Counterpoint.]


This is developed with more and more animation until the an-
nouncement, in measure 71, of the second theme in D major.
Here we see the first instance of that organic relationship for
which the movement is noted; for this theme


is evidently derived by rhythmic modification from that of the
preceding slow movement. It is brilliantly expanded and leads
directly—there being no double bar and repeat—to the develop-
ment in measure 115. This part of the movement evades descrip-
tion; it is throughout most eloquent and exciting. In measures
153-160 all the bells of Russia seem to be pealing! With mea-
sure 177 begins (marcato largamente) an impressive treatment
in the bass of the second theme, answered shortly after in the

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