Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

Paper & card ‐ n°3

Analyse du Cycle de Vie comparative de différents
modes d’adressage pour magazines et imprimés
Year 2007
Author BIOIS

Impact assessment

Incineration with
energy recovery

Landfill (including 3%
incineration without
energy recovery)
Depletion of abiotic resources (kg Sb eq) 0,12 0,20 ‐0,12
Climate change (kg CO 2  eq) 19,33 28,66 ‐19,00
Cumulative enerhy demand (MJ)* 282,41 311,61 ‐247,75
Water consumption (m^3 ) 1,48 1,16 ‐1,17
Eutrophication (kg PO4 eq) 0,05 0,04 ‐0,04
Acidification (kg SO2 eq) 0,12 0,08 ‐0,09
Photochemical oxydation (kg ethylene eq) 0,16 0,13 ‐0,13
Ozone depletion (kg CFC‐ 11  eq)
Human toxicity (kg 1,4‐DB eq) 16,7 16,2 ‐14,03
Ecotoxicity in water (kg 1,4‐DB eq) 4,06 4,09 ‐3,45
Exoctoxicity in sediments (kg 1,4‐DB eq) 7,65 7,73 ‐6,51
Ecotoxicity in soil (kg 1,4‐DB eq) 0,29 0,18 ‐0,22

  • the energy demand in this study corresponds to the consumption of non‐renewable resources
    Indicator not included


Methodology CML

full life cycle of the magazines and printed matters packaging

1000  magazines and printed matters sent
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