Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

Table 7 Relative difference between the impacts from the different end-of-life options vs. recycling for climate change for paper. A positive value
means that recycling is preferable to the other end-of-life option. A negative value means that recycling causes more environmental burden than
the other end-of-life option.

N° case 1[PB] 2[NS] 2[CC] 2[MC] 3[PS] 3[EN] 4[CC]
Incineration with energy recovery ‐290% 550% 110% 250% ‐30% ‐30% 80%
Landfill ‐130% 11460% 1430% 1180% 90% 100% 110%

Recycling versus other alternatives

N° case 4[MA] 4[NS] 4[OP] 4[PB] 4[TE] 4[MP] 5[PA] 5[MC]
Incineration with energy recovery 80% 70% 80% 70% 80% 80% ‐90% ‐140%
Landfill 90% 70% 170% 70% 160% 110% 1260% 1630%

Recycling versus other alternatives

Table 8 Relative difference between the impacts from the different end-of-life options vs. incineration with energy recovery for climate change for
paper. A positive value means that incineration with energy recovery is preferable to the other end-of-life option. A negative value means that
incineration with energy recovery causes more environmental burden than the other end-of-life option.

N° case 1[PB] 2[NS] 2[CC] 2[MC] 3[PS] 3[EN] 4[CC]
Recycling 150% ‐120% ‐850% ‐70% 40% 50% ‐370%
Landfill 80% 2400% 9900% 260% 160% 200% 160%

Incineration with energy recoveryversus other alternatives

N° case 4[MA] 4[NS] 4[OP] 4[PB] 4[TE] 4[MP] 5[PA] 5[MC]
Recycling ‐550% ‐280% ‐360% ‐260% ‐400% ‐430% 50% 60%
Landfill 40% ‐20% 410% ‐20% 410% 150% 730% 740%

Incineration with energy recoveryversus other alternatives
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