Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

Food & garden  ‐ n°3
Title Lifemanagement^ cycle^ assessment options^ of^ food^ waste^
Year 2005
Author Lundie and Peters

Material composition

Sub‐scenario Home(aerobic)^ Composting^ Home(unaerobic)^ Composting^ compostingCentralised^

Co‐disposal with MSW
(Landfil without
energy recovery)


Virgin material
Material marginal: which?
Electricity marginal: which? Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix
Heat marginal: which? Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix
Co‐products dealt with?
Recovered material
Material marginal: which? cow manure cow manure cow manure / /
Electricity marginal: which? Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix
Heat marginal: which? Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix Australian mix
Co‐products dealt with? NoNoNoNoNo
Material recovery included? Yes Yes Yes No No
Type of recycling
In which ratio does recycled material substitute
virgin material? /////
Technology Sydney specific Sydney specific Sydney specific Sydney specific Sydney specific
Infrastructures taken into account? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transport included? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Energy production
Produced energy substitutes electricity? / / / / /
Produced energy substitutes heat? /////
Avoided processes ‐ credits cow manure cow manure cow manure / /
Material substitutes cow manure cow manure cow manure / /
Carbon sequestration issue taken into account?NoNoNoNoNo
Waste characteristics
Heating value /////
Degradation rate (over  100  years) / / / / /
Alternative use of incineration capacity
included? /////
Compost spreading for composting taken into
account? No No No No No
Compost leaching after spreading taken into
account? No No No No No
Carbon binding of compost included? No No No No No
% of carbon remaining in compost after  100 
uears /////
Methane emissions included? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
LFG efficiency / / / Flaring/Norecover^ energyy^ /

3[FW] (FW= Food waste)
Food Waste



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