The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor (W W Norton & Company; 1998)

(Nora) #1

forced, 22, 111, 116, 117, 118-19, 148, 241,
293, 300,406
free, 240, 242
gang, 116,117,118-19
indentured, 115, 171, 299, 319, 382
manual, 58
performance and, 217
as production factor, 293
skilled, 228-29, 256, 274, 280-81, 303^,
specialization of, 279, 365, 366
supply of, 207-10, 226, 227, 296-97, 300,
301, 308, 319», 320, 326, 327, 383,
412», 441
labor unions, 244, 299, 445, 453, 456»,
462-63, 472-73, 485, 486-88, 489, 490
Ladder to Dutch Studies (Ôtsuki Gentaku), 367
laissez-faire, 375
Lake of Blood, 108
Lancaster, James, 131
distribution of, 41
ownership of, 260-61, 296, 306, 319-20
price of, 297
as production factor, 293
productivity of, 41
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 117
Latin America, 310-15, 327-28, 430-31,
see also individual countries
Latin language, 52, 204, 205
latitude, 86, 87, 285
Law, John, 276
Le Comte, Louis, 342
Le Creusot ironworks, 262, 270-73
Leibenstein, Harvey, 487»
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 204, 337
Leopold II, King of Belgium, 429, 438
Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 429-30
Levinstein, Ivan, 457
Lewis, Bernard, 411, 417
liability, 257, 263«-64«
Liberia, 428
liberty, personal, 218, 219, 220
life expectancy, xix-xx, 11, 515
limpieza de sangre (racial purity), 77, 180
literacy, 52, 108, 164, 178, 179, 180, 250, 268,
313, 321, 358, 410-11, 419, 434,508
"little tigers," 475-77
livestock, 20, 26, 40,41,70,71, 113, 115, 156,
living standards, 165, 187, 219-22, 409, 460,
480, 501-2, 521
loans, 256, 262, 361-62, 368, 493-95, 506-7
Lombe, Thomas, 206-7
longitude, 212
Lopes de Sequeira, Diogo, 92
Lopez, Carlos Antonio, 330», 331-32
Louis XIV, King of France, 156, 234, 362

Lowell, Francis, 299
Lusiads, The (Camoëns), 132
Luther, Martin, 52, 139, 179
Macao, 144, 340
Macaulay, Thomas, 161», 162, 166-67
machine readiness, 237, 248-53, 269
machismo, 411-15
Madagascar, 92-93
Madeira Islands, 67, 68, 69, 70, 422
MadredeDeus, 150-52, 160-61
Magellan, Ferdinand, 130»
magic, 202-3, 217», 512»
Magna Carta, 220
Maine, Henry, 396
malaria, 10-11, 169,288
Malaysia, 477, 478
Mali, 73-74
Malthus, Thomas, 187, 515
Mamelukes, 400, 402-3
Mansa Musa, 73-74
colonial, 429-30, 434
competition in, 42-44
domestic, 225, 227, 246, 344, 473-74, 508
free, 56, 59,143,148,163,265-67, 301, 342,
433,442,470,473-74,492,495, 522
international, 222
morality of, 243
share of, 130,267», 455,460,474,481», 486
size of, 45, 121, 215,434
Martel, Charles, 20
Martin, Claude, 229
Martin, Emile, 271
Marx, Karl, 210, 236
Marxism, 274», 382
Masters and the Slaves, The (Freyre), 329
Maudslay, Henry, 303»
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 430
Mayan empire, 103
Maybury-Lewis, David, 76
meat, 113, 132-33, 323
medicine, 180-81, 202
Meiji Restoration, 344, 358, 360, 369, 371-91,
mercantilism, 443, 446, 449
Mersenne, Marin, 183, 184, 205
Merton, Robert K., 176
metallurgy, 105, 121, 191, 276, 277-78, 282,
285-88, 295, 298, 382
Mexico, 295
gross domestic product (GDP) of, 292
Indian population of, 63, 102, 312
peso crisis of, 494
textile industry of, 315
U.S. and, 430»
middle class, 219, 221
Middle East, 408-18, 424, 430, 491, 499
see also individual countries
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