Politics and the judiciary 223
into one or other of these categories. Federal laws and decisions of the federal
courts overlap very considerably in many areas with state law, and state law
must always be applied in a way that is consistent with the Constitution as
interpreted by the Supreme Court. Where a dispute exists between citizens
of different states, the federal courts may have jurisdiction of the dispute
even though no federal law is involved.
Cases may be initiated in a state court, decided by the state Supreme
Court, and then appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States on the
grounds that the state has decided the matter in a way that conflicts with the
Constitution or with federal law. A case may be started in the federal courts
on the ground that a state or one of its officials has infringed the Constitu-
tion or a federal law; and a case started in a state court may be transferred
to a federal court. The broad outlines of the American judicial system are
illustrated by the chart in Figure 10.1.
Such a complex system inevitably involves difficult questions of jurisdic-
tion and, as we shall see later, it raises also the problem of the way in which
the decisions taken by the highest court in the land are put into effect in
lower courts. It leads to rather similar consequences in the judicial sphere
to those in other aspects of the federal system. The federal and state courts
work together, but they are also in competition with each other, and in ex-
treme cases litigants can attempt to play off one system against the other,
which leads sometimes, in the words of Dean Griswold, ‘to a sort of legal bat-
tledore and shuttlecock, with cases bouncing back and forth almost endlessly
between the State and the Federal jurisdictions’.
An essential part of the judicial system is the legal profession, which has
in the United States a particular importance. The complexity of the law, the
The Supreme Court of the US
State Supreme Court
State Courts of Appeal
Lower State Courts
(in each of the fifty states)
Circuit Courts of Appeal
US District Courts
Special US Courts
Federal Administrative Agencies
Figure 10.1 The judicial system of the USA