Milton, John
[On His Blindness] Sonnet 16:V3
On His Having Arrived at the Age
of Twenty-Three:V17
Mind(Graham): V17
Miniver Cheevy(Robinson): V35
All I Was Doing Was Breathing:V24
Mirror(Plath): V1
Miss Rosie(Clifton): V1
The Missing(Gunn): V9
Mitchell, Susan
The Dead:V35
Momaday, N. Scott
Angle of Geese:V2
To a Child Running With
Outstretched Arms in Canyon de
Monologue for an Onion(Kim): V24
Montague, John
A Grafted Tongue:V12
Montale, Eugenio
On the Threshold:V22
The Moon Glows the Same(Basho): V7
Moore, Marianne
The Fish:V14
Mora, Pat
‘‘More Light! More Light!’’(Hecht): V6
Moreover, the Moon(Loy): V20
Morning Walk(Malroux): V21
Mort, Valzhyna
Mother to Son(Hughes): V3
Much Madness Is Divinest Sense
(Dickinson): V16
Muldoon, Paul
Meeting the British:V7
Pineapples and Pomegranates:
Mueller, Lisel
Blood Oranges:V13
The Exhibit:V9
Muse ́e des Beaux Arts(Auden): V1
Mushrooms(Plath): V33
Music Lessons(Oliver): V8
Muske-Dukes, Carol
Our Side:V24
My Father’s Song(Ortiz): V16
My Grandmother’s Plot in the Family
Cemetery(Emerson): V27
My Last Duchess(Browning): V1
My Life Closed Twice Before Its
Close(Dickinson): V8
My Mother Combs My Hair
(Divakaruni): V34
My Mother Pieced Quilts
(Acosta): V12
My Papa’s Waltz(Roethke): V3
The Mystery(Glu ̈ck): V15
Names of Horses(Hall): V8
A Narrow Fellow in the Grass
(Dickinson): V11
Nash, Ogden
The Hippopotamus:V31
Native Guard(Trethewey): V29
The Negro Speaks of Rivers
(Hughes): V10
Nemerov, Howard
Deep Woods:V14
The Phoenix:V10
Neruda, Pablo
Fully Empowered:V33
The Heights of Macchu Picchu:V28
Sonnet LXXXIX:V35
Tonight I Can Write:V11
The Nerve(Maxwell): V23
New Rule(Carson): V18
The Night Piece: To Julia(Herrick):
A Nocturnal Reverie(Finch): V30
A Noiseless Patient Spider
(Whitman): V31
Not like a Cypress(Amichai): V24
Not Waving but Drowning(Smith): V3
Nothing Gold Can Stay(Frost): V3
Nowlan, Alden
For Jean Vincent D’abbadie, Baron
Noyes, Alfred
The Highwayman:V4
Nye, Naomi Shihab
The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd
(Raleigh): V14
Ode on a Grecian Urn(Keats): V1
Ode to a Drum(Komunyakaa): V20
Ode to a Nightingale(Keats): V3
Ode to the West Wind(Shelley): V2
Odysseus to Telemachus(Brodsky):
Of Modern Poetry(Stevens): V35
O’Hara, Frank
Autobiographia Literaria:V34
Having a Coke with You:V12
Why I Am Not a Painter:V8
Okita, Dwight
In Response to Executive Order
9066: All Americans of Japanese
Descent Must Report to
Relocation Centers:V32
old age sticks(cummings): V3
Old Ironsides(Holmes): V9
Olds, Sharon
I Go Back to May 1937:V17
Old Stoic(Bronte ̈): V33
Oliver, Mary
The Black Snake:V31
Music Lessons:V8
Wild Geese:V15
Omen(Hirsch): V22
On Being Brought from Africa to
America(Wheatley): V29
On Freedom’s Ground(Wilbur): V12
[On His Blindness] Sonnet 16
(Milton): V3
On His Having Arrived at the Age of
Twenty-Three(Milton): V17
On Location in the Loire Valley
(Ackerman): V19
On My First Son(Jonson): V33
On the Grasshopper and the Cricket
(Keats): V32
On the Pulse of Morning(Angelou):
On the Threshold(Montale): V22
Once Again I Prove the Theory of
Relativity(Cisneros): V19
Ondaatje, Michael
The Cinnamon Peeler:V19
To a Sad Daughter:V8
One Is One(Ponsot): V24
One of the Smallest(Stern): V26
Onomatopoeia(Merriam): V6
Oranges(Soto): V30
Ordinary Words(Stone): V19
Originally(Duffy): V25
Ortiz, Simon
Hunger in New York City:V4
My Father’s Song:V16
Ostriker, Alicia
His Speed and Strength:V19
Our Side(Muske-Dukes): V24
Out, Out—(Frost): V10
Outside History(Boland): V31
Overture to a Dance of Locomotives
(Williams): V11
Ovid, (Naso, Publius Ovidius)
Owen, Wilfred
Dulce et Decorum Est:V10
Oysters(Sexton): V4
Ozymandias(Shelley): V27
Pak Tu-Jin
River of August:V35
Pantoun for Chinese Women(Lim):
Paradiso(Koch): V20
Paradoxes and Oxymorons
(Ashbery): V11
Parker, Dorothy
The Last Question:V18
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
(Marlowe): V22
Cumulative Author/Title Index
Cumulative Author/Title Index