Poetry for Students, Volume 35

(Ben Green) #1

If you can keep your head when all
about you (If) V22:54–55
If you want my apartment, sleep in it
(Rent) V25:164
I’m delighted to see you (The
Constellation Orion) V8:53
I’m Nobody! Who are you? (I’m
Nobody! Who Are You?)
‘‘Imagine being the first to say:
surveillance,’’ (Inventors) V7:97
Impatient for home, (Portrait of a
Couple at Century’s End)
In 1790 a woman could die by falling
(The Art of the Novel) V23:29
In 1936, a child (Blood Oranges)
In a while they rose and went out
aimlessly riding, (Merlin
Enthralled) V16:72
In China (Lost Sister) V5:216
In ethics class so many years ago
(Ethics) V8:88
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
(In Flanders Fields) V5:155
In India in their lives they happen
(Ways to Live) V16:228
In May, when sea-winds pierced our
solitudes, (The Rhodora)
In such a night, when every louder
wind (A Nocturnal Reverie)
In the bottom drawer of my
desk...(Answers to Letters)
In the evening (Another Night in the
Ruins) V26:12
In the groves of Africa from their
natural wonder (An African
Elegy) V13:3
In the Shreve High football stadium
(Autumn Begins in Martins
Ferry, Ohio) V8:17
In the sixty-eight years (Accounting)
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan (Kubla
Khan) V5:172
Ink runs from the corners of my
mouth (Eating Poetry) V9:60
Is it the boy in me who’s looking out
(The Boy) V19:14
It is a cold and snowy night. The
main street is deserted. (Driving
to Town Late to Mail a Letter)
It is an ancient Mariner (The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner) V4:127
It is in the small things we see it.
(Courage) V14:125

It is said, the past (Russian Letter)
It little profits that an idle king
(Ulysses) V2:278
It looked extremely rocky for the
Mudville nine that day
(Casey at the Bat) V5:57
It must be troubling for the god who
loves you (The God Who Loves
You) V20:88
It seems vainglorious and proud
(The Conquerors) V13:67
It starts with a low rumbling, white
static, (Rapture) V21:181
It was in and about the Martinmas
time (Barbara Allan) V7:10
It was many and many a year ago
(Annabel Lee) V9:14
It was not dying: everybody died.
(Losses) V31:167–68
It was the schooner Hesperus,
(The Wreck of the Hesperus)
Its quick soft silver bell beating,
beating (Auto Wreck) V3:31
I’ve got the children to tend (Woman
Work) V33:289
I’ve known rivers; (The Negro
Speaks of Rivers) V10:197

Januaries, Nature greets our
eyes (Brazil, January 1, 1502)
Just off the highway to Rochester,
Minnesota (A Blessing) V7:24
just once (For the White poets who
would be Indian) V13:112

l(a (l(a) V1:85
Las casitas near the gray cannery,
(Freeway 280) V30:62
Leave Crete and come to me now, to
that holy temple, (Fragment 2)
Legs! (Poem in Which My Legs Are
Accepted) V29:262
Let me not to the marriage of true
minds (Sonnet 116) V3:288
Let us console you. (Allegory)
Listen, my children, and you shall
hear (Paul Revere’s Ride)
Little Fly, (The Fly) V34:70
Little Lamb, who made thee? (The
Lamb) V12:134
Long long ago when the world was a
wild place (Bedtime Story)

Made of the first gray light (One of
the Smallest) V26:141
maggie and milly and molly and may
(maggie & milly & molly &
may) V12:149
Mary sat musing on the lamp-flame
at the table (The Death of the
Hired Man) V4:42
May breath for a dead moment
cease as jerking your(Curse)
Men with picked voices chant the
names (Overture to a Dance of
Locomotives) V11:143
Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,
(Miniver Cheevy) V35:126
Morning and evening (Goblin
Market) V27:92
‘‘Mother dear, may I go downtown
(Ballad of Birmingham) V5:17
Much Madness is divinest Sense—
(Much Madness is Divinest
Sense) V16:86
My black face fades (Facing It)
My dear Telemachus, (Odysseus to
Telemachus) V35:146
My father stands in the warm
evening (Starlight) V8:213
My friend, are you sleeping? (Two
Eclipses) V33:220
my grandmother (Grandmother)
My grandmothers were strong.
(Lineage) V31:145–46
My heart aches, and a drowsy
numbness pains (Ode to a
Nightingale) V3:228
My heart is like a singing bird (A
Birthday) V10:33
My life closed twice before its close—
(My Life Closed Twice Before
Its Close) V8:127
My long two-pointed ladder’s
sticking through a tree (After
Apple Picking) V32:3
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the
sun (Sonnet 130) V1:247
My uncle in East Germany (The
Exhibit) V9:107

Nature’s first green is gold (Nothing
Gold Can Stay) V3:203
No easy thing to bear, the weight of
sweetness (The Weight of
Sweetness) V11:230
No monument stands over Babii
Yar. (Babii Yar) V29:38

Cumulative Index of First Lines

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