Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
krodha (‘anger’)
One of the three ‘gates to hell’, i.e.
propensities that have to be overcome if
one is to lead a religious life, personified
as child of Adharma. (See alsoLOBHA,

køpä (‘grace’, ‘pity’, ‘compassion’)
A key term in VAIÆŒAVISMwhere God’s
grace is the only saving agent.

Kø•æa (‘black’)
The most popular (eighth) AVATÄRAof
VIÆŒU, the subject of major Hindu clas-
sics such as the Bhagavadgïtä and the
Bhägavatapuräæa. He is also called
Ÿyäma. For many of his worshippers he
is the (only) full manifestation of Vi•æu.
Traditional history places him at
around 3000 BCEand considers him the
ruler of Dväraka on the Arabian Sea.
He was a descendant of the YÄDAVA

race, an old pastoral tribe living on the
Yamunä around VØNDÄVANA on the
western bank, and around Gokula on
the eastern. When he was born, KAMŸA
had usurped rulership of Mathurä;
Kø•æa later killed him. The many
exploits of Kø•æa, as narrated in
VAIÆŒAVAscriptures, are celebrated in
many feasts, especially in VØNDÄVANA,
and have inspired numerous poets,
musicians, choreographers, painters and

Personal name of DRAUPADÏ.

Kø•æa Dvaipäyana

kø•æa-paksa (‘the dark part [of
the lunar month]’)
The period from the day after full moon
to new moon. Indian dating, especially
of feasts, always includes such markers.
(See also ŸUKLA PAKÆA.)

Køta Yuga
The first age of the world, also called
Satya Yuga, the golden age, when peo-
ple were virtuous and lived long lives. It
lasted for 1,728,000 years.

The Pleiades; personified as the six
nurses of KÄRTTIKEYA.

k•amä (‘forgiveness’)
One of the main virtues of Hindu ETHICS.

Member of the second VARŒA, a warrior
or administrator.

k•etra (‘field’)
Metaphorically used (in the Bhagavad-
gïtä) to designate the body.

krodha 100

Women worshipping Kø•æa.

Encyclo - Letter K 10/2/03 9:46 am Page 100

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