Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1

purity (ÿuddhi, ÿauca)
A central notion in Hinduism (as in all
religions), with ritual, physical, psy-
chological and spiritual dimensions.
Ritual purity plays a great role in the
Vedas; special rites are prescribed, par-
ticularly for brahmins to obtain ritual
purity after being polluted. Pollution
can be effected through contact with
corpses, certain bodily fluids and asso-
ciation with OUTCASTES. The ÄRYA
SAMÄJintroduced a special ÿuddhi cer-
emony to readmit to the fold of
Hinduism the followers of other reli-
gions, whose ancestors had left
Hinduism. Physical purity is part of the
religio-hygienic routine which makes
daily bathing also a religious obliga-
tion. Purity of the soul consists in the
absence of greed, hatred and other neg-
ative attitudes. Purity of mind consists
in disinterestedness, ni•käma karma,
activity without any selfish involve-
ment, the eradication of all sense of

Püræaprajñä (‘full of wisdom’)
One of the names of MADHVA.

A priest, who conducts the prescribed
rituals for a particular family.

Puru•a (‘man’, ‘male’)
The name of the cosmic man, whose
sacrifice resulted in the creation of all

In SÄßKHYA, spirit, the counterpart of
matter (PRAKØTI).

(‘the [four] aims of man’)
These are dharma (righteousness), artha
(wealth), käma (sensual enjoyment),
mok•a (liberation).

puru•ottama (‘supreme man’)
A title of VIÆŒU/KØÆŒA.

(13th century)
A teacher of the NIMBÄRKA school,
disciple of Ÿrïniväsa and author of
Vedänta-ratna-mañju•a. He enumerated
the six constituent elements of BHAKTI:
treating everyone with goodwill and
friendliness, discarding what is contrary
to it; refraining from all malice, back-
biting, falsehood and violence; having
strong faith in the protection of the
Lord; praying to the Lord; discarding all
false pride and egotism; entrusting one-
self and all one’s belongings completely
to the Lord, being convinced that such
complete resignation earns God’s grace
and mercy.

Pürva Mïmäƒsä
(‘the earlier enquiry’)
One of the six orthodox schools of
Hinduism. SeeMÏMÄßSÄ.

Pü•an (‘nourisher’)
A vedic deity, identified with the SUN.

Pu•kara (‘the blue lotus’)
Name of a famous tank and place of
pilgrimage near Ajmer, glorified in the
Pu•kara Puräæa.

pu•pa (‘bud’, ‘blossom’)
A flower; one of the essential ingredi-
ents of a PÜJÄ. Metaphorically used for
virtues to be cultivated by a VAIÆŒAVA.

Purï 144

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