Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
Ÿatäk•ï (‘hundred-eyed’)
A name of the Goddess (DEVÏ).

(‘[invocation of] Rudra with a hundred
A text in the White YAJURVEDA, through
which RUDRA/Ÿiva is propitiated and
asked to stay away from the sacrificer.

(‘the one with the hundred forms’)
The first woman; daughter of BRAHMÄ,
mother or wife of MANU(2).

sat-guru (‘the true teacher’)
Usually identified with the supreme

Sathya Sai Baba (b. 1926)
(‘true father of truth’)
A contemporary charismatic Hindu
leader, who claims to be the reincarna-
tion of the Sai Baba of Ÿirdi (Mahä-
rä•flra) who died in 1918, as well as an

AVATÄRAof Ÿiva and Ÿakti. He discov-
ered, as a fourteen-year-old, his miracu-
lous powers to cure illness by means of
an ash-like substance that formed on
the pictures of Sai Baba and that he
himself is now creating freely. His fol-
lowers number millions in India and
abroad; hundreds of Sai Baba centres
have come into existence, some large
establishments with schools, hospitals
and other facilities. He predicted that he
will live to the age of 95, and that after
his death a third and last incarnation of
a Sai Baba will appear.

Satï (‘faithful’)
A daughter of DAKÆAand wife of ŸIVA,
who killed herself out of anger at
Dak•a’s contempt for Ÿiva.

A wife who ascends the funeral pyre of
her deceased husband. A satï was usual-
ly honoured by her community through
a memorial. Satï was declared illegal in
1829, but still occurs occasionally. (See
also WOMEN.)

167 satï

Bhajan attended by the contemporary guru Sai Baba (left).

Encyclo - Letter S 10/2/03 9:59 am Page 167

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